Holiday Art Show / Sale at CNJComics Dec 16th-20th
It’s finally here! Our Holiday Art Show / Sale begins this Wednesday December 16th!

Way to go Cleveland artists! We’ve got well over 100 covers in the art show to benefit the Cleveland Food Bank!

Stop by the shop between Dec 16th to the 20th and check the covers out in the foyer! Covers are won through a basket raffle system where one dollar gets you one ticket towards the cover of your choice! Just buy the tickets at the counter, write your name and contact number on them and drop them into the numbered bag that matches the cover you want! It’s that simple!
Because the Food Bank is so awesome, each dollar you spend will create four full meals for those in need!
We will draw the winners in a Facebook Live Stream at 6pm on Sunday! You do not need to watch the stream to win, we’ll let you know on Monday. (But hey! pour yourself a drink and tune in! The whole staff will be here to pull the winners.)
Due to popular demand (and a pandemic) we will post a gallery of the books in the show on Saturday evening. You may then buy tickets remotely by calling in a credit card to 216-252-0606 from 12 PM – 5 PM on Sunday. We can also set up a paypal payment over the phone. We will then put the tickets towards the cover(s) that you want. Please have the numbers of the covers ready to go. We are only doing this on Sunday and we will have an employee dedicated to this task alone.
Here’s a peak at somemore of the covers:

Art by Haley Mortensen –

Art by Gary Dumm –

Art by Tim Switalski – @timswit
We are also having our Holiday Sale, which will also start on the 16th but will last all the way to the 24th.
- 50% off back issues!
- 20% off statues and action figures!
- 20% off graphic novels and hardcovers!
- 10% off everything else in the shop!
We also have our yearly holiday print in stock! This year’s swank artwork is by Kelsey Cretcher and we’ll be giving them out free with any purchase!

We’re going to miss the holiday party this year but please help us to make the art show shine as brightly as possible! Everyone likes to do something for others during the holidays, and this can be your thing. (and you might just win something too!)
Happy Holidays from the CNJ Staff