Christmas Sale at CNJComics

Sure we’ve got our Holiday Party / Art Show / Fundraiser coming up on December 22nd, but let’s talk about our Christmas Sale first!

From Thursday, December 20th till Monday, December 24th, we will have:

  • 50% off all back issues
  • 20% off all graphic novels
  • 20% off all action figures, statues and pop funs.
  • 10% off everything else in the shop

We recently got in a great bronze age collection, and to answer everyone’s questions, YES, it will also be  50% off starting when we open at noon on Thursday.

I’ve even been diligently drinking and grading the collection at home, so there will be lots to go through.

Here are a few of the keys that were up two days ago.

We will be open our normal hours during these days for all the last minute shopping, so when Amazon says, ‘too late’, we’re happy to say “come on in.”

Thursday 12-8
Friday 12-8
Saturday 10-7
Sunday 12-5
Monday 12-8 (Ben will be staying late night on Christmas Eve for all your last minute needs, stop by and say hello)

We do have gift certificates available for any denomination above $5.

Keep in mind that we’re also still giving away our holiday print from Jeff Ritchie FREE with any purchase. We should have enough to last past Christmas.

Here is our Customer Appreciation Coupon, which can only be used at the Christmas Party from 8 pm to 11 pm on Saturday. Sorry, no exceptions. (It’s a bummer if you can’t make it, but super cool if you do!)

Here’s all the info on the party!

Lastly, GO SEE Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse!

It’s a perfect movie. No need to worry about it living up to all the hype because it goes beyond that. What an amazing swan song for Stan Lee, as it’s really about the core values he placed into the character. Lots of surprises beyond the trailer, and visually it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. So respectful of comics as an art form and medium too. Miles has been around in comics for over seven years now, and I’m so glad the rest of the world will get to meet him.

I was tearing up through about 20% of it it was so good.

Thank you for shopping with us this holiday season!