New Comic Releases for the week of August 6th

We’re back! Here for your perusal and enjoyment are our featured new releases coming out Wednesday, August 6th.

Top position is easy this week. Thanos Infinity Revelation Original Hardcover!


Jim Starlin will be writing and drawing an original hardcover for Marvel this week! Jim is known as the writer of Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos Quest. He’s also responsible for most of Marvel’s cosmic storylines in the 70’s and 80’s. Nobody really does Marvel’s space genre like him. $24.99.


If you’ve never read Thanos Quest, you should. We’ve got a $7.99 collection and it tells the story of how Thanos rounded up the Infinity Gems back in the day. Very cool story an pretty relevant at Marvel Studios right now. It even features the Collector!

Speaking of Marvel Studios, we’ve got some pretty significant second issues coming out this week, like Rocket Raccoon #2!


​The first issue was a blast and Skottie Young will be on writing and drawing chores for a bit. We’ve still got first prints of issue #1 to catch you up!Also, The Legendary Starlord #2 is this week as well!


Peter Quill’s book is a lot of fun too. As anyone who’s stopped in the shop this past week knows, we’ve made sure our inventory on Guardians Of The Galaxy graphic novels are well stocked for anyone wanting to explore the backstory on these amazing characters. We’ve got everything that’s in print so you can make the trip out to the shop with confidence.The Superior Spider-Man is back for the beginning of The Edge Of Spiderverse!


The big spider event starts here with a double sized issue with art by Adam Kubert, fresh off of Wolverine Origin 2.We urge you to buy Moon Knight #6 by Warren Ellis!


This is Ellis’s final issue but it’s been a great run. Moon Knight is one of those things that’s sort of a running gag in the shop but we take it seriously. Like Dazzler’s career, Doom’s rants, and the Thing’s inflections. Moon Knight seriously is crazy bad ass cool. We’ll have reprints of #1 though 4 in the shop this week too. Go for it.

Did you know there’s also a group trying to put together a Moon Knight fan film in town? Check them out! DC’s DOOMED storyline is in full swing this week with three new books, Action Comics #34, Action Comics Annual #3 and Superman Wonder Woman Annual #1!


Superman’s Doomsday infection gets worse and we see how that affect him and his pals.Batman 66 meets the Green Hornet #3 is out this week by director Kevin Smith.


I’ve been getting into Batman 66 more and more lately, especially after the announcement of the TV series finally being released on November 11th. Plus, I really love this Alex Ross cover. Burt Ward verse Bruce Lee. Amazing.

Big Trouble and Little China #3 come out this week and has been an indie hit.


​Eric Powell is best know for Goon and his style fits this title well. Boom Studios has had quite a few hits recently with Evil Empire, The Woods and LumberJanes, all worthwhile books to check out.

If you’ve got the time, we’ve got lots of great galleries up of our Batman Event on Facebook. Here’s a gallery of all the artwork that was done!

A total success and we raised $1,118 for Preston’s H.O.P.E



If you’re ever on the East Side of Cleveland with some kids that need some breathing room, check this place out. It’s amazing. is it for this week! We’ll see you this week at the comic shop. Same Bat time, same Bat channel.