Tagged: Charity

Raf’s Spring Forward into New Comics for 3.16.2022

Raf’s Spring Forward into New Comics for 3.16.2022

Hey, Carol and John’s Shoppers! Raf here delivering some of the new releases we have in store this week. We’ve got a lot to cover, including some new number #1s, a few shop favorites finally available in trade, and a raffle opportunity for the rest of the week. Let’s go! DC Comics Mark Waid returns to DC Comics this week with the launch of Batman Superman World’s Finest! Set in the not-too-distant past, Metropolis is attacked by Poison Ivy bringing the Caped Crusader and the Boy Wonder, Robin, into the City of Tomorrow. There, they will cross paths with Superman and the villain Metallo, and from then on, all hell breaks loose. Supes gets injected with a dangerous mix of red Kryptonite and causes a number of different reactions inside of the Man of Steel. Batman’s the only one who can save him, but he’ll also enlist the help of the Doom Patrol to bring Clark back from the brink of destruction. This was a fun first issue and has been the most exciting the Batman-Superman team-up books have been...

Featured New Releases for 12-11-2019

Featured New Releases for 12-11-2019

Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, December 11th, 2019! The holiday season kicks into high gear with a pretty big week. We’ve also got the Holiday Party / Art Show / Fund Raiser / Sale about a week and a half away on December 21st! You can jump to all the info on that right here! Alright, here’s the featured new releases for Wednesday, December 11th, 2019! First up, Frank Miller returns to the world of the Dark Knight with The Golden Child One Shot! Set three years after Master Race and detailing Carrie Kelly’s rise into her new role as Batwoman. Rafeal Grampa’s first comic art in over six years too! Superman #18 will be a landmark issue as Clark reveals his identity to the world! Written by native Clevelander Brian Michael Bendis! Yes, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have finally reached a 100th issue! Will the team be able to pull together in time for the finale of City at War? Big $7.99 issue. If you’ve been waiting, the House and Powers of X Deluxe...

Holiday Party / Art Show / Fundraiser / and Sale CNJ Comics

Holiday Party / Art Show / Fundraiser / and Sale CNJ Comics

Here’s all the info on this years’ annual Holiday Party / Art Show / Sale / Fundraiser to benefit the Cleveland Food Bank! Art and Fundraiser On Saturday, December 21st from 10 am to 7 pm we’ll be hosting an art show featuring local artists who created custom covers to benefit the Cleveland Food Bank. These covers can be won in a basket raffle system where one food item or one dollar gets you a ticket. You pick which cover your ticket goes to so you can win a one you really like. This year’s art show theme is a comic book character / Christmas movie mashup, which we’ve been having a lot of fun with. Here are some of the covers from previous years, all based on Uncle Eddie from Christmas Vacation: By Keith Allen By Craig Worrell By Ryan Finley And here are some of our fantastic artists: We will shut down the store at 7 PM only to reopen at 8 PM for our annual Holiday Customer Appreciation Party! The party lasts till around 11 PM and...