Featured New Releases for 4-3-2019
Last week was owned by DC and Detective Comics #1000, this week is all Marvel with the War of the Realms! Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019! War of the Realms This will be the first major event for Marvel in some time, and it’s the culmination of Jason Aaron’s efforts over in Thor. The forces of the Ten Realms are headed to Earth for an all our war with the MCU. Other than Aaron’s involvement we’re really excited about the street levels characters joining in, like Punisher, Daredevil and Squirrel Girl. This book has a ridiculous amount of covers, so just pop into the shop early and get the one you like the most. Here’s a quick recap to get you up to date! War of the Realms is a six issue mini-series that will last into June. There are checklists for the next three months if you want to print them out and turn them in. Don’t get caught up in plot threads you don’t care about! Reading the main title alone...