Featured New Releases for 5-9-2018

We’re cleaning up the shop after an incredibly successful Free Comic Book Day. We’ll have our annual thank you email along with links to a bunch of image galleries, but for now let’s sneak in some featured new releases.

Here’s the featured new releases coming out this Wednesday, May 9th, 2018!

First up is easy, the new Venom series by Donny Cates!

Hot of his run on Thanos and Doctor Strange, Cates has slid over to Venom to give the title some panache before the movie comes out in October this year. Here’s the trailer:

Scott Snyder will be writing the new Justice League ongoing next month, but this week starts a weekly four issue mini series also written by him. 

Justice League No Justice will help define the new format of the team!

We gave out a thousand copies of Brian K Vaughan’s Barrier for FCBD, and issue #2 of this weekly series comes out this week. This was another innovative move by Brian, to combine the release of his series with a FCBD book. The 2nd issue has a physically different format, and you can buy a non FCBD #1 this week that matches it. If you just want to go with the FCBD book that’s cool too. Five issue mini, again weekly. If you got Paper Girls we’ll have it in your file, if you don’t and only get Saga and want it please let us know. 

Barrier is Brian’s take on the border patrol issue, but on an interstellar level.

Deadpool #300 is this week, and this oversized issue has Captain America rounding up every big name hero to give Wade a beat down. Come in early to get the variants!

Oh yeah, sleeper hit this week with Scooby Doo Apocalypse #25, as Fred Dies! (No spoiler, it was well publicised. )

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the magic that was Fred Jones.

I liked to say he was the glue that held the team together but really he was the only one sober enough to drive. 

That’s it! Thanks again for a stellar Free Comic Book Day!